Everything About Shin Splints (30 of Your Burning Shin Splint Questions Answered)

Shin splints are a common condition that can cause pain and discomfort in the lower legs. It refers to pain felt along the shin bone called the tibia. Shin splints are also known as medial tibial stress syndrome. The condition is often caused by repetitive stress on the shin bone and the surrounding muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Shin splints can be caused by running, playing basketball, or dancing. Treatment for shin splints typically includes rest, ice, and over-the-counter painkillers. I will now look at everything about shin splints (answering 30 of your burning questions)

Why Have I Shin Splints In One Leg?

Yes, it is customary only to have shin splints in one leg, but sometimes people can suffer from them in both legs.

People have muscle imbalances from one leg to another, resulting in various leg injuries. For example, when running, as we generally have one leg stronger than the other, if we place too much stress on the muscles in the lower leg, it can cause a muscle imbalance between the muscles at the front of the leg and the calf muscle at the back of the leg resulting in shin splints.

How our feet pronate while running or partaking in sports can also cause shin splints in one leg. Generally, if a runner overpronates or supinates, it rarely affects both legs. This is because when we have a neutral gait when we run, the shock is adequately absorbed from the heel to the forefoot as we land. Still, when we are overpronators, the outside of our heel hits the ground first, causing our foot to roll inwards on the arch, which in turn puts extreme stress on our shins which can result in shin splints and many other injuries.

Related: What is the Difference Between Foot Pronation vs Supination

I hope you understand why it is customary only to have shin splints in one leg.

How To Avoid Shin Splints When Jumping Rope?

It is imperative when you are jumping rope to learn how to avoid shin splints when jumping rope.

We should always try to follow the following rules when jumping rope.

Always listen to your body.

We should always listen to our bodies no matter what exercise we do. I know most athletes follow the motto No Pain, No Gain. Sore muscles are normal for the pain part, but if we feel pain in our shins, it is time to rest because the longer we ignore it, the longer it will take to heel.

Warm up properly

When doing any exercise, we should always warm up properly; the same applies to jumping rope. When warming up, we should perform dynamic stretches such as high knees, butt kicks, and leg swings, and then we could skip very slowly just to get the heart rate up.

Related ===>  warm-up exercises

Try to jump on a softer surface.

The surface we skip on greatly affects whether we avoid shin splints and other injuries, and the harder the surface, the more likely we are to get injured. Ideally, the surface should be shock absorbent. The best surface to jump on is a suspended wooden floor. We will often find these floors in a dance school or gymnastics gymnasium. If we don’t have access to this type of floor, I would recommend buying a jump rope mat, and you can put it on grass or sand, which will help protect your joints.

Cool down properly

We should always cool down properly after jumping rope to get our heart rate back to normal. Then, we should do 10 minutes of static stretching to recover. After that, we can do a standing quad stretch, a standing calf stretch, and chest stretches.

Related ===> Cool down stretches

Be mindful of the jumping volume

As we all exercise, we should never increase the volume by about 10% each week to help the body get used to the extra volume and new activity.

Wear proper supporting shoes

No matter what exercise we do, we should always wear proper supporting shoes because if we don’t, we may get injured. For example, if we overpronate and don’t wear shoes to correct it, this could result in shin splints when jumping rope.

Related ===> Overpronation

Try to skip low to the ground

If we can skip very low to the ground, our joints will have minimal impact, which should also help us avoid shin splints. Did you ever watch a boxer training, and his feet are only about an inch or two off the ground as he skips?

Is It Okay To Lift Weights With Shin Splints?

Yes, lifting weights with shin splints is okay, but it is also essential to rest from the activity that caused them in Lift weights the first place. There are many exercises where we can lift weights without affecting our shin splints.

We can do overhead presses, bent-over rows, pull-ups, bench presses, chin-ups, lateral raises, back squats, lateral raises, overhead tricep extensions, lat pulldowns, seated dumbbell overhead presses, and dumbell pullovers.

Related ===> Can I lift weights with shin splints

What cardio can I do with shin splints?

Yes, you can do cardio with shin splints. There are many types of cardio that an athlete can do. The cardio exercises that you can do are as follows.


Cycling is a great cardio exercise for all runners as it is less severe on the shins, as overuse of the surrounding muscles causes shin splints. In addition, eliminating running on hard surfaces and taking a break from running can help speed up the recovery.

Cycling can play a significant role in your recovery as cycling is a non-impact exercise that doesn’t put added stress on the tibia. So replacing your runs with cycling reduces the pressure on the shins and surrounding muscles and keeps the fitness you have built up.


Rowing is another brilliant cardio exercise when we suffer from shin splints, as it is a whole-body workout without putting great stress on the shins.

It is essential to

– have correct posture when rowing

– vary the speed and intensity

– make sure you strap your feet in properly


Swimming is another cardio exercise that puts very little stress on our shins. It is excellent for all muscle recovery and will aid us in our recovery from shin splints.

Even if you can’t swim, you can try pool running or aqua aerobics as these will not pressure our shins due to the water effect. It will also keep up our running fitness.

Elliptical Machine eliptical machine

Jumping on an elliptical machine allows you to continue cardio exercise without putting excessive pressure on your shins.

When you place your feet, they stay on it for the entire workout. This has minimum impact on your shins, making it safe to use if you have shin splints. An elliptical works your upper and lower body and incorporates multiple joints.

Can I Do Squats With Shin Splints?

It is another excellent question can I do squats with shin splints?

Yes, you can do squats with shin splints. No impact is involved with doing a squat; therefore, it is unlikely to irritate your shin pain.

But like when doing any exercise, it is essential to listen to your body. If doing any exercise causes pain, it is time to stop.

It is essential to have the correct technique when doing squats, as improper technique doing anything will cause injuries.

The proper technique is as follows:

Stand straight with feet hip-width apart.

Engage your core

Lower down, like when you sit down

Straighten your legs to stand back up

Then repeat for whatever many repetitions that you are doing.

When you have mastered the proper technique for squats, we can add dumbbells, kettlebells, and finally, weight bars with whatever weight you are comfortable lifting. We are liable to seriously injure ourselves if we squat without the correct form when lifting weights.

Do Squats Cause Shin Splints?

No, the quick answer is squats do not cause shin splints. Sometimes people who squat end up with shin splints, but this is due to several reasons that become more pronounced while squatting.

The reasons people suffer from shin splints while squatting are as follows:


Overpronation is when our foot rolls inwards on the arch, which puts extreme stress on our shins and can result in shin splints. When squatting, the arch of our foot acts as a shock absorbed. I would recommend wearing a good supportive pair of trainers when squatting.

If you think you overpronate when squatting, try to grab the floor with your toes, as ideally, you want your big toe, baby toe, and heel on the ground simultaneously, which will automatically raise your arch.

Ankle Mobility

Poor ankle mobility can also cause shin splints when squatting, which stresses the ankle connected to the shin. If you are trying to squat into a deep position, you find that your heels are lifting off the ground or that your calf muscles are starting to feel extremely tight. Again, this will result from poor ankle mobility.

To prevent poor ankle mobility, try to warm up properly before squatting by doing a few dynamic stretching routines such as high knees, butt kicks, swinging legs, and lunges. Also, try foam rolling your legs before attempting any squats.

Does Jump Rope Cause Shin Splints?

Yes, I believe that jump rope can cause shin splints.

There are many reasons jump rope can cause shin splints, as jump rope involves high impact with the ground when jumping.

The following are the main reasons.

Not Warming up

When doing any exercise, we should warm up properly before we start. I recommend doing about 5 minutes of dynamic stretches and 5 minutes of really slow jumping rope.

Wrong Surface

If we continuously do jump rope on a really hard surface, we will probably end up with shin splints due to the very high impact on our legs when they hit the ground. I recommend trying to do jump rope on a suspended floor or buying a jump mat to give us a little protection from the ground. Everybody likes concrete as it is smooth and flat for jump rope, but this is the most severe surface we can jump rope as there is no absorption.

I was doing too much too soon.

As with any exercise, we will get injured if we increase the volume too soon. In addition, our body has to adjust to any new activity, such as jump rope, as each exercise will use slightly different muscles.

Jumping too high off the ground

When we jump rope, if we jump too high, we put a lot more stress on our legs than we need to. Our legs will suffer less stress by keeping our jumps just an inch or two off the ground.

Not cooling down

As for all exercises, we are more likely to suffer from injuries such as shin splints if we don’t cool down properly. So I recommend that you do 5 minutes of static stretching when you are finished to get your heart rate back down.

Overpronation jumping rope

When we overpronate, our foot rolls in, so we jump on flat feet. This will lead to shin splints if we don’t wear proper supporting shoes and do some exercises to correct this.

How To Avoid Shin Splints When Overweight?

Being overweight can contribute to shin splints, as the more weight our legs carry, the more significantly impact our shins when our feet hit the ground. We are classed as being overweight when we have a B.M.I. (Body Mass Index) of over 26 or above.

Like me, many people take up running to lose weight, but unfortunately, this can lead to injuries. We must be able to tell the difference between muscle soreness and actual pain. We can run with muscle soreness as this is part of the starting-to-run experience, but we should never run through the pain, especially as a beginner.

When we start, I believe in following the couch to 5k route as this is an excellent mix between walking and running and building it up over a period so that you can run 5k without stopping.

When we have completed our couch to 5k plan, just don’t think you can just increase your mileage. We should always follow the recommendation only increase your mileage week on week by 10%

If you are feeling your shins painful when you run, you probably should get a gait analysis done on your feet, and they will tell you whether you overpronate, supinate or have a neutral gait. Runners who overpronate are more inclined to get shin splints as they have flat feet. If we overpronate or supinate, we must get running shoes that will give us the necessary support to help prevent shin splints.

How To Avoid Shin Splints On A Treadmill?

It is easier to avoid shin splints when running on a treadmill than when running on a road.

Treadmill running has the following advantages

– it is low impact

– the belt helps us move

– we can control our incline

– we can control our speed.

As we fully control our running, it is easier to avoid shin splints.

Even though we still have to do the following to avoid shin splints even on the treadmill

Warm up properly

As with every exercise, I was running on the treadmill was no exception. First, we have to warm up properly. I recommend doing 5 minutes of dynamic exercises such as high knees, butt kicks, lunges, and leg swings.

Don’t do too much too soon.

As with road running, we should increase our mileage slowly and follow the recommended weekly increase of 10%.

Wear supportive shoes

When running on any surface, including the treadmill, we must wear proper supporting shoes. In addition, we should know what type of running gait we have and wear runners that give adequate support to every kind of gait.

Cool down properly.

The cool-down after exercise is as important as the warm-up before exercise. Therefore, we should do 5 to 10 mins of static stretching after running. This helps to bring our heart rate back down. When doing static stretches, we should do a stretch for each of the following muscles, quads, calves, hamstring, glute, groin, and I.T. band.

Related: ===> Good Running Stretches

How To Prevent Shin Splints When Playing Basketball? basketball

Shin splints can be very debilitating to your basketball career as you need to be able to jump up to catch those rebounds.

There are a few things that you can do to prevent shin splints when playing basketball.


Like every exercise, we have to warm up properly. So I would recommend doing dynamic stretches to warm the body properly.

Foam roll

We should foam roll our leg muscles, including our shin bone. By foam rolling your shin bone and the other muscles in your leg, you help to prevent all types of injuries, including shin splints.

Proper shoes

You should ensure that you are wearing properly supporting basketball shoes, as the better the support, the better the injury prevention.

Strength work

It is imperative for all exercises that we build up the muscles that we use for each activity to try to prevent injuries, including shin splints. For basketball, we must build strength in all the lower body muscles, especially the legs and glutes. If we are gym members, various machines are designed to strengthen each part of the body.

Cool down

We should do some static stretches at the end of each basketball session. But, in addition, we need to do various exercises to get our heart rate back down and stretch the muscles we have used.

How To Avoid Shin Splints When Cycling?

Avoiding shin splints when cycling should be more accessible than other high-impact cardio exercises, but sometimes cycling can also cause shin splints.

Warm-up and Cool Down cycling

As with any sport, it is essential to warm up and cool down before and after cycling.

Proper Bike fit

An incorrect bike fit can cause a lot of problems as the saddle has to be in the correct place for us to avoid injury.

If the saddle is too high or too far back, we overstretch our legs on the downward peddle stroke. Our leg movement is restricted if the saddle is too low or too far forward.

So if you are somebody that enjoys cycling a lot and is prone to shin splints, it is probably worth paying for a proper bike fitting.

Supportive cycling shoes

It is essential to wear proper cycling shoes or have orthotic inserts in our shoes if we are overpronators so that our legs are placed correctly on pedals at all stages of the pedal stroke. In addition, our foot should always be flat on the pedal during all phases of each stroke.

Lower leg strengthening.

We must build up the muscles in our lower legs when we are cyclists.

Why Do My Shin Splints Never Go Away?

More than likely, when an athlete asks why my shin splints never go away, it is due to not looking after them properly, or worse still, you may not be suffering from shin splints. Instead, it may be a stress fracture. A stress fracture is a small crack or crack on the surface of the bone. Untreated shin splints lead to stress fractures.

The symptoms of shin splints and a stress fracture are the same; when shin splints don’t improve after a few weeks of treatment with R.I.C.E. (rest, ice, compression, and elevation), it is time to get an M.R.I. to check for a stress fracture.

Though for some athletes, even when the shin splints seem to have adequately healed when they return to the sport that causes the shin splints, unfortunately, the shin splints return.

At this stage, it is time to get a gait analysis done on your feet as there has to be an underlying condition causing the shin splints. For example, if you suffer from flat feet, otherwise known as overpronation, it may be causing your shin splints. In addition, you will need to invest in proper supporting shoes to stop your ankle from rolling in due to your flat arch.

Also, it is worth trying to strengthen all the various leg muscles as weak muscles in the legs, especially the calf muscles, can cause shin splints.

Do I Have Shin Splints Or Stress Fractures?

It is a big question when you are suffering from shin splints. Do I have shin splints or stress fractures?

Shin splints

A shin splint is pain along or just behind the shin bone though runners can experience the pain on the front, outside, or inside of the lower leg. They are caused by repetitive force, increasing mileage too quickly, and overpronation of the feet.

A runner will generally have pain in the shin area while running, and you will typically not feel pain while walking or doing other non-impact activities. Usually, when a runner has warmed up, the pain will be less severe, and once you have finished your run, the pain will go away.

If we suffer from shin splints and leave them untreated, they may lead to shin splints if we continue our exercise program that caused them.

Stress Fracture

A stress fracture is tiny cracks in the shin bone but can also be other lower leg weight-bearing bones. They are caused by repetitive force, often from overuse, such as running, jumping, and dancing.

At first, runners will only have pain while running, but then runners will also experience discomfort when walking and doing other activities. Finally, the runner will experience pain while resting when the stress fracture is bad enough. The pain from a stress fracture is generally localized to one spot on the shin, whereas for a shin splint, it is a bigger area.

We must stop all activity immediately if we believe we have a stress fracture and get them treated properly.

Now I hope that you will be able to tell the difference between shin splints and stress fractures.

How To Do Cardio With Shin Splints?

We will be glad to hear that it is still possible to do cardio with shin splints, but we probably need to ask ourselves how to do it without aggravating them further. We could do different forms of cardio training while our shins are recovering.


Swimming is an excellent form of cardio as the water also helps our muscles to recover. There will be no pressure on the shins while swimming as it is a non-impact form of cardio training. In addition, swimming can help stretch the anterior tibialis.


Cycling is another excellent form of cardio when you have shin splints. Shin splints are generally caused by the repetitive strain caused by running and jumping. As cycling is low impact providing your bike is set up correctly for you, it should not affect your shin splints.

Rowing Machine

A rowing machine is also a great form of cardio when suffering from shin splints as there is no pressure on your shins while you are rowing, but it will keep your fitness up while you are off the road.

How To Ease Into Running After Shin Splints?

When we are out injured with shin splints, we are all trying to get back out on the road as soon as possible, but we must figure out how to ease into running after shin splints.

When we are suffering from shin splints, we must take the proper rest to allow the shin splints to heal correctly.,

Before we start running again, all pain must be gone before we go back running.

If we have been attending a physio, it is safer to check with them to see if they think you are ready to start running again.

If we start back too soon, the shin splints will return.

It is probably wise to create a plan as we return to running and stick to it, providing you are not feeling pain in your shins.

We will need to increase our speed and intensity gradually. In the beginning, as we return, we need only to do short slow runs; providing our legs do not react, we can slowly build up speed and distance.

Make sure that your running shoes are not worn out and that if you have flat feet, you wear a pair with proper support, as people with flat feet are more prone to shin splints.

Before each run, make sure you warm up properly with some dynamic exercises. When finished with your run, cool down correctly by doing static stretches. When you return to running after shin splints, it is probably wise to ice your shins after each run to help prevent the shin splints from coming back.

Related===> Good Running Stretches

Does Losing Weight Reduce Shin Splints?

I have previously been asked does losing weight reduce shin splints.

Yes is the definite answer to this question. Too much weight is terrible if we have any injury, especially in our shins, as excess weight puts more pressure on our shins.

Being 10 pounds overweight, with every step that you take, increases the force on your knees and legs by 30 to 40 pounds.

People who are overweight or obese are at a higher risk of suffering from shin splints in the first place, so losing weight not only helps your actual shin splints, it may help prevent them in the first place. Not only will this weight loss be good for your shin splints, but it will also be suitable for all your other leg joints.

Losing weight is not easy, even with exercise. For example, to lose one pound, we need to expend 3500 calories more than we consume.

How To Get Rid Of Shin Splints In A Day?

Unfortunately, the answer to how to get rid of shin splints in a day is that it is impossible.

It is impossible to get rid of shin splints in a day. Therefore, we need to look after shin splints properly. Otherwise, they will permanently annoy you when you run; they may even lead to stress fractures.

The treatments for shin splints are as follows:


Rest from the activity that caused the shin splints, and try and refrain from this activity until your shin splints are healed.


Ice your shins for 20 minutes every 3 to 4 hours.


Wear a compression sleeve, as this will help reduce inflammation in the shins.


The shins should be kept elevated while we are icing them, as this also helps inflammation.

Exercises to prevent shin splints.

There are numerous exercises that we can do to help shin splints, and the following are some of the exercises that we can do:


calf raises

bent knee calf raises

seated towel stretch

All these stretches are explained in detail in the below-related article.

They are related: How to get rid of shin splints overnight?

How To Lace Shoes For Shin Splints?

When we have shin splints, we must lace our shoes properly. However, if we lace our shoes too tight, it can cause further injuries in our legs, or if we lace our shoes too loose, they will now provide us with the adequate support that our shoes are meant to offer us.

We should use the heel locking method when we lace our running shoes

Lace your shoes as usual up to the 6th hole from the bottom, kriss crossing your laces as usual.

Then take the lace at each side of your shoe and loop it back into the 7th hole from the bottom from the outside to the inside on the same side, creating a loop. Then bring the lace across the shoe and put it out through the loop at the opposite side of the shoe.

Tying our shoes in this way makes the shoes a lot more solid on our legs and gives us great support while we run.

Not only should this help us with our shin splints, but it should also prevent other injuries.

Can Dehydration Cause Shin Pain?

Dehydration on its own will not cause shin pain. When you have shin pain, it will generally be a result of shin splints.

But dehydration can cause various leg cramps, as well as muscle cramps due to dehydration.

If our body is dehydrated, it can also slow the healing process for any injury, including shin splints.

We should know if we are dehydrated as these are the symptoms

– a feeling of being very thirsty

– urine a dark color

– lightheaded or feeling dizzy

– only urinating a few times a day

– tired or lethargic.

– confusion

Suppose you think that you are starting to feel dehydrated. First, try drinking a lot of fluids.

Related:===> Hydration and Running

Can You Rub Shin Splints Out?

Yes, you can rub shin splints out, but it is excruciating as shin splints are sore to the touch. The great thing about shin splints is that you can do it yourself with a massage gun, hockey ball, or foam roller. The first few times we massage them are the most painful, but it eases off.

When rubbing out your shin splints, it is essential to remember to roll your calf muscles as the problem may be coming from here in the first place. If we are using a massage gun, it is easier to find the exact spot to deal with it,

Even when your shin splints have gone and you have returned to running, you should keep rolling your shins and calves to try and prevent them from returning.

If you are rubbing your shin splints and feel it is not helping, it might be worth visiting a physio to get it done correctly.

How To Jump Rope Without Getting Shin splints?

Like with any exercise, when we are starting, if we take some precautions, we should be able to jump rope without getting shin splints.

Don’t do too much too soon. We need to build up our jumping rope slowly.

Always warm up properly by doing some dynamic stretches.

Try and jump rope on a softer surface, such as a jumping rope mat.

Wear proper supporting shoes.

Be aware if you overpronate or supinate, as overpronation is a cause of shin splints.

Cool down properly by doing some static stretches.

After finishing, if we feel any pain other than normal muscle soreness around our shins, give it a break for a few days as our body is getting used to a new exercise.

Is It Normal For Shin Splints To Bruise?

No, it is not normal for shin splints to bruise. Generally, when we suffer from shin splints, we feel pain in our shins when we are running. If there are very severe shin splints, there may even be slight swelling, but there should never be bruising just from shin splints.

If we have bruising on our shin, it may result from exertional compartment syndrome. But, again, this happens as a result of intense exercise.

Talk to your doctor if you have unusual recurring pain, swelling, weakness, loss of sensation, or soreness while exercising or participating in sports activities.

Are Shin Splints Hereditary?

No, I can definitely say that shin splints are not hereditary. Shin splints are common in runners, jumpers, and dancers. Anybody can be susceptible to shin splints if they increase the workload or change training patterns too quickly. This will result in overworking the muscles, tendons, and bone tissue.

If shin splints are not appropriately treated using R.I.C.E., short for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation, shin splints will keep returning, as they need to be healed fully before we return to the exercise that caused them in the first place.

When some runners keep getting shin splints, they think it is hereditary, but it is only because they have not looked after them correctly in the first place.

Does swimming help shin splints?

Yes, swimming helps shin splints, as swimming is generally good for most injuries. Swimming is a non-impact form of cardio, and while helping with our shin splints, we are still getting our cardio exercise in. Swimming is non-weight bearing, so it is probably the best form of cardio for shin splints.

Obviously, if we feel any discomfort in our shins while swimming, we should stop and get them checked medically in case it is a stress fracture and not shin splints in the first place.

Even though swimming helps our shin splints, we should still follow the R.I.C.E. treatment: rest, ice compression, and elevation.

Can You Push Through Shin Splints?

Some athletes push through shin splints when they attack, but it is not the wisest course of action as untreated shin splints can result in a stress fracture and a more extended period out injured.

As a runner, if you want to push through shin splints, it is advisable to reduce your mileage and pace, and when the shin splints are painful, stop your run.

As beginner runners, we may suffer from shin splints even though we only do small mileage. However, at this stage, it is more our legs getting used to running, so by icing our shins, we still should be able to keep running, as most people follow a running walking training plan when they start running.

Is a rowing machine good for shin splints?

Yes, a rowing machine is suitable for shin splints as when an athlete uses a rowing machine, they are still doing a cardio exercise which helps keep up their fitness while waiting for the shin splints to recover. Every athlete fears that they will start losing their fitness when they are injured.

Using a rowing machine is a non-impact exercise, which means it doesn’t harm our shin splints.

How To Lose Weight With Shin Splints?

There are many ways to lose weight with shin splints.

First and foremost, we need to eat a healthy diet, where we try and cut out added sugars in our foods and drinks and eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Watch our portion sizes, try and eat little and often rather than big meals where we are starving when we sit down to eat—Cook at home instead of going out and trying roasting and baking instead of frying and grilling.

We also need to drink at least 2 liters of water daily to help wash out the toxins in our bodies. Water also makes us feel fuller, so we should eat less.

We can still partake in many exercises while we have shin splints. We can cycle, swim, use a rowing machine, and do upper body strength training.

I would try to avoid any exercise that puts stress on our shins, such as running, jumping rope, basketball, and even walking.

What happens if you ignore shin splints?

It is not very wise to ignore shin splints. At the first signs of shin splints, if we use rest, ice, compression, and elevation, the shin splints should ease off quite quickly. However, the longer we ignore shin splints, the worse they will become. Eventually, they may even result in a stress fracture which will end up sidelining us for months. A shin stress fracture is when little cracks appear on the surface of the shin.

So basically, ignoring shin splints is the worst thing we can do for shin splints because treatment especially resting from the offending activity, is the best way forward.

Do calf raises help shin splints?

I think calf raises benefit shin splints, but I believe it depends on which type of ones we do. I think a bent knee calf raise is better for shin splints than a straight leg calf raise, as with a straight leg calf raises, a lot of the work is coming from the glutes, which isn’t strengthening the calf, which is what we are aiming for in the first place.

Bent knee calf raises are done as follows.

Start with both feet on the ground near a wall or something to hold on to.

Raise your heels to go up on your toes as high as possible.

Keep your weight balanced evenly on your toes while keeping your knees bent.

Then lower back to the ground and repeat.

Make this significantly more complicated when you have mastered it on both legs. Do the same while keeping one leg off the ground and having all your weight on just one leg.

After this, you can always add dumbells when finding one-legged bent knee calf raises too easily.

Why Do My Shins Hurt When I Jump Rope?

I would presume that your shins hurt when you jump rope because you have a case of shin splints. Shin splints are painful, so it is time to take a break if your shins hurt when jumping rope.

Jumping rope can be an aggravating factor for shin splints if we jump too high, and it can cause shin splints as it is a more significant drop back to the ground.

If we continuously jump rope on hard ground such as concrete, this can result in shin splints.  We should try to jump rope on a mat to reduce the impact from the ground.

When we jump rope, we do too much too soon, which can also cause shin splints.

If we don’t wear proper supporting shoes when we jump rope, this can also result in shin splints.

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