Can I Lift Weights With Shin Splints?

Can I Lift Weights With Shin Splints?

We all know how debilitating shin splints are when we have them. First and foremost, we must take a break from whatever we were doing (running, jumping, football)  that caused the shin splints. But like all athletes, we still want to be able to exercise properly while we are resting our shin splints. A lot … Read more

How Can Achilles Tendonitis Be Prevented?

how can ahilles tendonitis be prevented

If you have Achilles tendonitis, you are probably questioning how can Achilles tendonitis be prevented from coming back or getting worse. With any injury, the first part is to treat it properly when it happens. If you ignore any injury and it heals itself (which is nearly impossible with Achilles tendonitis), it will likely come … Read more