How Long To Run 5 Miles

5 miles is the same as 8km, depending on which part of the world you live in. How long to run 5 miles? As every runner is different, there is no exact answer to this question. If we google it, the answer is, on average, 50 mins. But we have to look at this in more detail below as numerous factors affect the answer to this question. I will also look at various other queries about running 5 miles. There are certain times that multiple categories of runners will run 5 miles. Some runners will run 5 miles every day. We will also look at the benefits of running 5 miles and the effects on our bodies.

How Long Does It Take To Run 5 Miles

Lady running

    1. As I said above, the average time is about 50 minutes, but I will now look at all the various factors that affect this.
      • Sex
      • Experience
      • Fitness Level
      • Weather
      • Terrain
      • Age
      • Weight
      • Cadence
      • Stride Length


Men and women run at different speeds. Men will generally run faster than women. Per runners world, the average time for a man to run 5 miles in 49 minutes, while for a woman, it is 54 minutes. This is not to say that all men will be faster than women, as many women are faster than their male counterparts.


The time it takes for a runner to run 5 miles is dependent on their running experience. Generally, a beginner runner will not run as fast as a seasoned runner. To run 5 miles, we need to be running regularly. A beginner would find it hard to run 5 miles without stopping unless they have built up their mileage. A seasoned runner will run 5 miles without even thinking about it.

Fitness Level

If we are very unfit, obviously we won’t be able to run 5 miles as fast as a relatively fit person. However, as we build up our fitness level, we will find it a little easier to increase the speed.


Weather can have a severe impact on running times. If you are out running into a gale-force wind, you will run slower than if there was no wind, the opposite applies if the wind is behind you, as it will make you run faster. When the temperature is very hot, it will be harder to keep up the pace, so we generally run slower in the heat. If the ground is icy, we will have to be more careful, which also slows us down.


The terrain we are running on will have a significant effect on time. If we run downhill, we will run faster than on the level. We will run a lot slower if we run up a steep hill. A running track is generally the fastest surface to run on. Some runners will choose to run on a treadmill which will be a quicker surface.


Age will significantly affect how fast we can run 5 miles. For example, if we are 60 or 70-year-old runners, we will not be able to run as fast as a 20 or 30-year-old runner. However, some runners are in their 60s and are significantly faster than some 20 and 30-year-olds.


If we carry a lot of extra weight, we will find it much harder to run, so it will take us longer to run 5 miles than a skinny runner. However, for every pound of fat weight we lose, it will knock a second off our km times, so running 5 miles for every pound we lose should decrease our overall times by 8 seconds.


Cadence in sports involving running is a measure of speed calculated as the total number of complete cycles (of both a right and left foot strike) taken within a given period, often expressed in steps per minute or cycles per minute. It is used as a measure of athletic performance. A higher running cadence is associated with increased speed, decreased contact time with the ground, and increased shock absorption. In addition, increasing your cadence decreases your energy cost.

Stride Length

Stride length affects our pace. If you have a small stride, you will be running twice as hard as someone with a long stride, so a runner with a long stride will generally run faster than a runner with a short stride.

How Long Should It Take A Beginner To Run 5 Miles

A beginner runner will take between 54 and 63 minutes, depending on whether they can run all of it or if they are walking some of it. Some runners may complete the 5 miles by running for 10 minutes and walking for 4 minutes. It is also essential to always listen to your body when you are running. A beginner runner should not focus on pace but slowly increase the distance.

How long To Run 5 Miles For An Intermediate Runner

An intermediate runner will take between 30 and 40 minutes to run 5 miles, but the average time for an intermediate runner would be about 35 minutes. An intermediate runner is a runner that has no problem running the distance but also trains at least 4 times per week.

How Long Does An Elite Runner Take To Run 5 Miles

An elite runner will run 5 miles in less than 25 minutes, but some of the faster elite runners will run it in 21 minutes. An elite runner will run daily and have a lean body composition.

How Long Training To Run 5 Miles

If you are a beginner runner, I would advise you to complete the couch to 5k and then start the 5k to how long to run 5 miles 10km plan, and it will probably take about 10 weeks to run 8km without stopping. When running regularly, you should be able to run 8km without stopping. If you are trying for a PB, you may need to train by running 4 times per week, which should include a speed and a tempo session each week.

As a beginner runner, there are a few things you should do

  • start slow
  • Take walking breaks if needed
  • wear the right running shoes
  • Eat Properly
  • make sure to rehydrate
  • Always listen to your body.

How Long Should A Marathon Runner Take To Run 5 Miles

As the length of time a runner takes to complete a marathon varies by several hours, there is no exact time for a marathon runner to run 5 miles. Most marathon runners will be fit, but running a marathon can take between 2:30 and 6:00. So the 5-mile time could be between 30 and 55 minutes for marathon runners.

Who Should Run 5 Miles A Day

The following are the runners who should be able to run 5 miles daily.

  • Runners who are trying to improve their running form
  • Runners who have no interest in running races
  • who are trying to improve their health
  • those runners who are trying to lose weight
  • runners who need a pick me up, as running generally helps clear the head.

Who Should Not Run 5 Miles A Day

Certain types of runners should not run 5 miles a day. These are as follows

  • Runners who are susceptible to injury
  • Runners who are aiming for a race
  • those runners who are trying to build up mileage
  • runners who are trying to increase their pace.

Is Running 5 Miles A Day Good For You

I believe that running 5 miles a day is very good for you. By running 5 miles daily, we will improve our cardio fitness, and our natural running form will improve and become more efficient as the body gets used to running this distance. In addition, our cardiovascular system will become stronger, helps tone our body and increase our overall health.

Is 30 minutes A Good Time For Running 5 Miles

30 minutes is a very good time for 5 miles as the average time for runners is 50 minutes. You are a fast runner if you can do this. To be able to run this time, you will need to be training 4 times a week, including a speed session, tempo session, long run, and another easy run.

Is A 5 Mile Run Classed As A Long Run

For beginner runners and runners that only run 1 per week, 5 miles is classed as a long run. It takes effort to be able to run 5 miles without stopping. For many runners, running 5 miles is a short run, especially runners that run a few times per week or are training for half marathons or full marathons.

Will Running 5 Miles Everyday Cause Injury

In general, if we build up to running 5 miles every day slowly, we should not get injured. But if we have only started running and suddenly start running 5 miles daily, there is a good chance of getting injured. There is a high chance of shin splints or other muscle injuries if we don’t allow our bodies to recover between runs.

How Many Calories Are Burnt Running 5 Miles Tape Measure next to Nutrition Facts

The number of calories burnt running 5 miles varies from runner to runner. There are a few ways to calculate this to use the simple rule of 100 calories per mile, so by running 5 miles daily, we will burn 3,500 extra calories per week. 3,500 calories are equivalent to losing 1 pound in weight.

Several factors affect this

  • bodyweight – the more we weigh, the more calories we will burn
  • speed – the faster we run, the more calories we burn
  • terrain – if we are running uphill, we burn more calories
  • weather – if running into the wind, we will burn more calories as we will run harder.

Do We Need Training To Run 5 Miles

If you have never run more than 5km previously, you will need to train to increase the distance to 5 Miles. As a 5k runner, you will probably need another 4 – 6 weeks of training to be able to run 5 miles.

If you are a beginner runner, you will need 10 to 12 weeks to be able to run 5 miles. Always warm up properly by doing dynamic stretches and static stretches to cool down after finishing running.

Is A 5 Mile Run A Good Workout

A 5-mile run is a good workout as we consume about 500 calories. This has probably a better calorie burn rate than most other exercises. I don’t believe that we should run 5 miles every day, as I think we should do some strength training at least a couple of days per week. However, a 5-mile run helps improve our cardiovascular fitness and overall health. This run also provides many great mental benefits, as running helps clear the head.

How To Run 5 Miles Without Stopping

Some runners will have no problem running 5 miles without stopping, while others will have more difficulty doing this. There are a few things we can do to help us run 5 miles without stopping

  • create a plan
  • build up to 5 miles slowly
  • warm up and cool down properly
  • allow the body to recover after each run
  • run at a pace that you can hold a conversation
  • make sure the body is properly hydrated
  • eat enough time before the run correctly so we prevent a side stitch
  • try to have a good running form

Will Running 5 Miles a Day Change My Body

Running 5 miles a day will change our bodies significantly.

  • Improve our heart health
  • Help us to lose excess weight
  • Tone our bodies
  • help us sleep better, which improves our overall health

Benefits Of Running 5 Miles A Day

There are many benefits of running 5 Miles a day. These are

  • cardiovascular benefits
  • mental benefits
  • oxygen intake
  • muscles
  • weight loss
  • mood
  • better sleep
  • establishes a regular running routine
  • burns calories

Final Thoughts

We have now looked at how long it should take various categories of runners to run 5 miles. I have also looked at various questions that you may have about running 5 miles and regarding the runners that decide to run 5 miles every day. As we have discussed, running 5 miles daily is not for everyone. We have also looked at the effects that running 5 miles daily has on our bodies.

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